15 Jan 2025 18:17
Photos: Peru: Lake Titicaca and La Paz (Bolivia)
Peru: Lake Titicaca and La Paz (Bolivia)
03 Apr 2011
We were traveling by bus to Bolivia since early in the morning. At the borders, we got off the bus and went to the police station and the passport control. Then we walked for 300 meters and passed under a gate which marked the territory of Bolivia. We saw the first Bolivian women, who wear black and taller huts than the Peruvian ones. After the stamping of passports in the corresponding Bolivian office, got into the bus again and continued the journey.

We arrived in Copacabana in Bolivia, lakeside tourist village. The boats to the islands of the Sun and Moon in lake Titicaca start there. We had little time to wander before we took the next bus to La Paz. We walked around the church of Copacabana. Expensive cars decorated with flowers were stopped outside the church waiting for blessing. After we walked down the main road to the lakeside. A lot of stores were selling huge popcorn in large bags.

Later we continued our journey to La Paz (150 Km). At some point on the route at Tiquina we had to get a boat to cross the lake. The bus was transferred alone on a large rectangular platform-boat.

Arriving at altiplano, the flat area in the suburbs of La Paz, we saw the endless threadbare villages with houses made of bricks and dirt roads. The location of La Paz was very interesting in a pit with mountains around. On the outskirts we saw a large iron statue of Che Guevara. who came to Bolivia to organize the revolution, arrested and murdered. We went with a taxi to a hotel we had selected from Athens by internet, but they had no room and sent us to another little below, where fortunately we found.

We were strolling the main streets of La Paz in the evening and got a first impression of residents and nightlife. For dinner we ended up at «Plaza Estudiante». It is worth to mention that we ate on a good restaurant, a spaghetti, a steak, a beer and a small bottle of wine and pay for all the outrageous amount of 9 euros! Bolivia is the poorest country in Latin America and everything is decades behind.

The bus

Women from Bolivia at the frontier

Queues at the frontier

Bolivian women

The entrance gate to Bolivia

Going to Bolivian passport control office

Copacabana: Outside the church

Copacabana: At the internal yard of the church

Copacabana: At the internal yard of the church

Copacabana: At the internal yard of the church

Copacabana: At the internal yard of the church

Copacabana: Outside the church

Copacabana: Cars ready for blessing

Copacabana: Cars ready for blessing

Copacabana: Outside the church

Copacabana: The street towards the lake Titicaca

Copacabana: Products

Copacabana: Giant pop corn ?

Copacabana: At the port in lika Titicaca

Copacabana: Stores

The longest part of the road was along the shores of lake Titicaca

Statue of the king of Inca

Locals coming to the boat

On the boat... with life jackets

The bus crossed the lake... alone

The floating boards for tranfering vehicles


Suburbs of La Paz

Locals on a truck

La Paz: Suburbs

La Paz: Suburbs

Buses in La Paz suburbs

La Paz: Suburbs

La Paz: Suburbs

La Paz: Suburbs

La Paz: Suburbs

La Paz: Suburbs

La Paz: Suburbs

La Paz: Suburbs


La Paz

La Paz